For many years, the Italian Ministry of Health has requested all professionals acting in the field of Health to follow updating courses.
Similar programs exist in several other Countries and are also applicable to different disciplines.
Upon successful completion of them, they’ll obtain “credits”.

Credits are granted on the basis of two different checks:

  • the actual presence at the above courses
  • the actual learning

IDS can cope with both of them

All participants are supplied either with an individual badge, containing a barcode to be scanned at the entrance of the seminar, or a radio-frequency TAG to be automatically detected by a “gate”.
For details relevant to the above technologies, pls. refer to the “Access Control & Monitoring” section of our Web site.
Moreover, we can utilize also our well known Televoting services.
Each participant will be supplied with a tiny keypad which will enable him to cast votes against quiz’s asked during seminars.
Together with each reply, also its time will be recorded (time stamping feature).
In particular, if questions are asked at the beginning and at the end of a session, you’ll be able to have entrance and exit times. But you can also have information on the actual presence throughout the whole seminar.
It’s to be noted that the possibility to check the actual attendance is additional to the other didactical reasons why a Televoting service is utilized in a seminar.
For details on this service, pls. refer to the specific section of our Web site.

We design and print forms containing questions & answers which each paticipants must answer before the seminar’s end.

Technologies utilized are:

  • Barcodes
  • high speed scanners

In both cases we effect all scanning operations and prepare a report listing, for each participant, the number and percentage of exact answers.